What even is this store?
My name's Matt!
Heya! I'm Matt and I made this fun little online store! I've been on the internet pretty much all my life under the name, "SkipTheBaconLover" and I just enjoy talking to people making stuff! I enjoy livestreaming on Twitch and posting short, random clips on Tik Tok.
I just thought making a store would be neat!
I've always been interested in making an online store, and when a couple of my friends said that it would be cool to have some SkipTheBaconLover stickers, I wanted to see what it would look like to actually make that happen. I'm still learning Shopify and selling things, but I'm really excited to share things that I'm proud of with you!
PLEASE show the artists some love!
I've made a couple of the designs, but the real MVP's are the artists that have brought a lot of my ideas to life! Here I'll have a list of everyone I've worked with to create the stuff you see here in the store!
YourFangirl has designed all of my Twitch emotes and much more! She's absolutely wonderful to work with and she always provides some quality stuff!